Let's face it! Realism is an element that should not be missed in any training session.
Nowadays, training tends to be repetitive without giving the necessary emphasis to detail. And to some basic football habits, every coach should emphasize not only the quality of the energy but also the way it is achieved.
The training should include regular elements such as decision speed, communication-synchronization. Peripheral vision, width, depth. Creating a pass line, etc. All this in combination with learning the important football habits compose the puzzle of a complete football player and consequently a trained team.
Our goal is to train coaches and create a new coaching model with an emphasis on realism and the improvement of every football habit on the pitch.
On our page, you will find Training Units in the form of Videos, Animation, pictures, articles, instructions and parent training, Training Tips etc.
Our team works with trained professionals in the field such as ifj96.de where they published our first book called "Realistic Rondos", with the world-famous software company EasySportsSoftware, with specialized Goalkeeping coaches, women's soccer physics coaches, coaches’ football analysis site.
Through our philosophy and our coaching ideas, we want to help each coach to pass them on to the children themselves, as a result of which they develop critical thinking on and off the field.